Listed Building: 22 AND 23 CASTLE STREET (1252091)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 856, 4, 455
Date assigned 07 September 1973
Date last amended


4/455 CASTLE 3TEEET (South East Side) Nos 22 and 23 Part 2 of the entry should be amended to read: House pair, now offices. Early C18, stuccoed and altered in early-mid C19. Stuccoed with plat bands over ground and first floors and rusticated quoins. Coped parapet to plain tiled roof with 2 gabled dormers. 2 storeys. Regular 2 window front, sashes. Entrances at extreme left and right with cornice-hoods on console brackets over. Apart from the facade, the lobby and the party wall to Nos 19-21 (consec), which contains some timber-framing with curved braces probably of C16 date, the bullding has been largely reconstructed to rear, in the later 1970s. 1. 944 CASTLE STREET (South East Side) Nos 22 and 23 TR 1457 NE 4/455 II GV 2. Early C18. 2 storeys stuccoed. Old tiled roof with 2 hipped dormers. Long and short quoins. Stringcourses. Glazing bars intact to 2 sashes on first floor only. Doorcases have cornices and console brackets. Nos 1 to 9 (consec) and Nos 12 to 24 (consec) form a group. Listing NGR: TR1467757557

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 1468 5755 (point)
Map sheet TR15NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 4:25PM