HER Layers
Monuments are the records of the heritage of Kent. Please note that the Historic Environment Record is a record of heritage, not history. We try to record surviving historic features in the county such as historic buildings, landscape features, shipwrecks and archaeological sites, as well as features that have now been lost. For historical information on land-ownership or information on individuals or families in Kent, for example, please contact the Kent History and Library Centre. [Libraries - Kent County Council]
Listed Buildings
Listed Buildings are assessed and designated by Historic England, there are three grades of Listing, I,II* and II. The List is currently compiled under the terms of section 1 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. We have incorporated all Listed Buildings into our main Monument records and update the information as new buildings are listed or de-listed.
Scheduled Monuments
Scheduled Monuments are assessed and designated by Historic England, there is one grade of designation. The protection provided to Scheduled Monuments is awarded under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979. We hold designation records for Scheduled Monuments with information obtained from Historic England.
Registered Parks and Gardens
Registered Parks and Gardens are assessed and designated by Historic England, there are three grades of Listing, I,II* and II. We hold designation records for Registered parks and Gardens with information obtained from Historic England.
Registered Battlefields
We have no Registered Battlefield in Kent.
Conservation Areas
Conservation Areas are designated at a local level, by district and borough councils. The protection is under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. There is no central repository of Conservation Area information and although we do our best to keep them up to date, for definitive Conservation Area information please contact the relevant council.
Dover Characterisation Data
The Dover characterisation data was created during the Dover Urban Archaeological Database project from 2016 to 2021. More information about the project can be found at Dover Urban Archaeological Database Project: Introduction
Base Map Layers
Ordnance Survey modern mapping
Ordnance Survey mapping presented on this website is for private use only. It is not permissible to use it for commercial purposes, for which permission should be obtained from the Ordnance Survey.
Historic mapping
The first four editions of the Ordnance Survey maps are provided to Kent County Council under licence from the Landmark Information Group. Landmark’s digitised mapping is subject to copyright and / or database right, and so the re-use of copy extracts of its digitised mapping is permissible for private study only. Further use, including any commercial use, is not allowed without permission from Landmark Information Group Ltd
web: www.landmark.co.uk; email: customerservice@promap.co.uk
Aerial photography
The 1946 / 47 and 1990 aerial photography layers are now out of copyright. Copies of the original slides can be viewed at the Kent History and Library Centre.
The 2008 and 2016 aerial photographs are licenced to Kent County Council by Getmapping.com.