Useful websites

The Heritage Gateway

The Heritage Gateway provides nationwide access to a host of other heritage records, including our own.

Kent Archives

The Kent archives are held at the Kent History and Library Centre, Maidstone. The archives provides an opportunity to learn, explore and develop knowledge of Kent's history.  The materials held are the largest collection of historic material relating to the ancient county of Kent, most of which can be accessed. The collections are made up of printed, manuscript (original) and audio-visual material.

Kent Archaeological Society

The Kent Archaeological Society was founded in 1857 to promote, protect and provide access to the history and archaeology of the ancient county of Kent. It has dozens of affiliated local history and archaeology societies and over 700 members. It produces regular newsletters and the county journal Archaeologia Cantiana every year.

Useful Links

Below are some links to websites providing further information on archaeology and heritage in Kent and Britain. This is intended purely as a guide and not a recommendation of any particular organisation. If you wish to suggest a website to add to the list then please contact the Heritage Conservation group.

Other key websites include:

Historic Environment Records

East Sussex County Council

Essex County Council

Greater London Historic Environment Record

Surrey County Council


Council for British Archaeology

Historic England

Kent Gardens Trust

Chartered Institute for Archaeologists

Institute of Historic Buildings Conservation

National Trust

Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings



Archaeological Data Service

Kent County Council Libraries

South East Screen Archive


Canterbury Royal Museum & Art Gallery

Dartford Museum

Dover Museum

Maidstone Museum

Rochester Guildhall Museum

Trust for Thanet Virtual Museum

Universities and Education

Canterbury Christ Church University

Kent Adult Education

Open University

University of Kent


British Archaeological Jobs Resource

The Training Online Resource Centre for archaeology