Conditions of Use
By accessing this site, you signify your agreement with and understanding of the following terms of use.
This website is the online version of the Kent Historic Environment Record (HER); it does not contain the full amount of information available from the HER database and should not be used in isolation. Members of the public, students and other private researchers can consult the full HER free of charge, while a search charge will be applied for commercial or profit-making purposes.
The information contained by this website is not suitable for use in the planning process and commercial contractors must contact the HER directly.
Kent County Council is committed to the protection, conservation and enhancement of the historic environment. In order to ensure that information from the Kent HER is used responsibly, those consulting it are requested to follow the Guidance for Users outlined below.
1. The Kent HER is the copyright of Kent County Council. Some information held in the HER may also be the copyright of others. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that copyright law is not breached.
2. Where information in the data is used or published it should be accompanied by appropriate citation referring to the original authors. The Kent Historic Environment Record should be suitably acknowledged as the source of the HER data. The licensee will provide one digital copy of each report produced as a result of using the HER data for inclusion within the Kent Historic Environment Record.
3. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of HER data, Kent County Council bears no legal responsibility for the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the data provided and accepts no liability for indirect, consequential or incidental damages or losses arising from use of the data.
3. Not all information in the HER is accessible through the website.
4.1 Information may not be disclosed if:
(a) it relates to the subject matter of any legal or other proceedings, actual or prospective (including Local Planning Inquiries);
(b) it relates to confidential, internal communications of Kent County Council;
(c) it is contained in a document or other record which is still in the course of completion
4.2 Information will not be disclosed if:
(a) it was supplied to the Council by another party who was under no legal obligation to do so and could not have been put under any legal obligation to supply it and has not consented to its disclosure;
(b) its disclosure would increase the likelihood of damage to the environment affecting anything to which the information relates
Ordnance Survey data
The baseline mapping in the portal is provided by Kent County Council under licence from the Ordnance Survey. Historic Ordnance Survey mapping is provided by Landmark Information Group under licence.