Listed Building: 1 AND 2 HIGH STREET (1240669)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 856, 4, 62
Date assigned 03 May 1967
Date last amended


1. 944 HIGH STREET (North East Side) Nos 1 & 2 TR 1457 NE 4/62 3.5.67. II* GV 2. Formerly the Chequers Inn which contained a dormitory of 100 beds and was 1 building with Nos 1-9 Mercury Lane adjoining. A large C14 timber-framed building altered in the C18 and in modern times. 3 storeys and attic. First and 2nd floors overhang and are supported on heavy wooden brackets. 4 windows facing the High Street. 2 windows facing Mercery Lane. 2 dormers. C18 sash windows with glazing bars missing but some remains of timber cusp-headed windows. On the ground floor there is a stone arcade with the cognizance of the Black Prince on the corner post. Modern shop fronts. Forms a group with Nos 1 to 8A (consec) Mercery Lane. Listing NGR: TR1493957802

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 1494 5780 (point)
Map sheet TR15NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Record last edited

Nov 11 2014 11:23AM