Listed Building: 8 HIGH STREET (1258219)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 856, 4, 751
Date assigned 28 March 1978
Date last amended


1. 944 HIGH STREET (North East Side) No 8 TR 1457 NE 4/751 II 2. Late C14, C18 and circa 1870. This is included for its late C14 timber-framed core. The front elevation is part of a. tgrrace built soon after a fire of 1865, which is not in itself listable. High Street facade of 4 storeys cement rendered. Bracket eaves cornice and pilasters. 3 sashes cornice and brackets to 2nd floor windows and round-headed arches with keystones to 1st floor. Later shopfront. Behind this is the framing of a late C14 3 storeyed double-jettied house with cellar containing niche below. This was of 3 bays, set endwise to the street and the hall was probably in the middle bay most of the framing remains, together with bronze Cl7 posts. The rear elevation is of 3 storeys and was altered in the C18, the ground floor being underbuilt in brick, the upper floors rendered. This has 2 sashes with glazing bars intact and a ground floor canted bay and doorcase with rectangular fanlight. On the 2nd storey are 2 original mediaeval windows with holes for window bars and sliding shutter grooves. Around these windows is. the original C15 yellow brick infill. Listing NGR: TR1491257839

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 1490 5783 (point)
Map sheet TR15NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 4:25PM