Listed Building: PORT FARMHOUSE (1336528)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 956, 5, 284
Date assigned 30 January 1967
Date last amended


In the entries for CHISLET ISLAND ROAD 5/284 5/285 Port Farmhouse, Upstreet La Cresi Dor, Upstreet the address shall be amended to read ISLAND ROAD Upstreet Port Farmhouse La Cresi D'Or 1. 5273 CHISLET ISLAND ROAD Port Farmhouse, Upstreet TR 26 SW 5/284 30.1.67. II 2. C15 timber-framed building faced with plaster on a base of painted brick, the first floor of the west end oversailing widely on brackets on its south, west and north sides and tile hung. Hipped tiled roof with C17 brick chimneystack and pentice behind. Two storeys. Four windows. Casement windows on first floor. Triple sash windows below with glazing bars intact. Modern gabled porch. The interior contains a crownpost roof and embattled beam. Listing NGR: TR2249462667

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 2249 6266 (point)
Map sheet TR26SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 4:25PM