Listed Building: THE TOWN PIER (1089004)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 742, 8, 194
Date assigned 03 July 1975
Date last amended


1. 5277 TOWN PIER The Town Pier TQ 6474 SE 1/194 TQ 67 SW 8/194 II GV 2. The whole fortune of Gravesend springs from the landing place at this spot, which has existed since the time of Domesday. The present Pier was built in 1831-4 by Gravesend Corporation at the cost of £8,700. Designed by W T Ciark CE. T-shaped construction of cast iron, resting on 2 rows of 4 columns at the shore end and 3 rows of 6 columns under the T-portion. It originally had 2 pavilions at the angles of the T-portion with roofs supported on columns with foliated capitals and turrets above. These still remain but the whole pier has since been roofed over. Beneath the pier is the older landing stage, which dates from the C18 and still belongs to the Corporation. This is a sloping approach of flagstones. Forms a group with Nos 2 to 5 (consec), Town Pier and the Three Daws Public House, High Street. Listing NGR: TQ6477474480

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6477 7447 (point)
Map sheet TQ67SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 5:18PM