Listed Building: DANE CHANTRY (1367114)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 956, 16, 523
Date assigned 29 September 1952
Date last amended


1. 5273 PETHAM STONE STREET Dane Chantry TR 14 NW 16/523 29.9.52 II 2. Originally called Deppdene. Dom William Gracian who was the founder of the Poor Priests Hospital in Canterbury founded a chantry chapel here in the C15. This is the lower portion of the southernmost window bay which is now faced with flints. East doorway leading to Undercroft. The portion above it is red brick with a gable over containing 2 tiny attic windows. The remainder of the building is a timber-framed addition which may date from 1638 as the stone 4-centred doorway in the original portion with carved spandrels has this date beside it. It has a base of flints, herring-bone pattern brick nogging, and its first floor oversailing on the protruding ends of the floor joists and brackets. Casement windows with wooden mullions and transoms, except the southernmost window bay on the first floor which has 2 tiers of 5 lights with stone mullions and transoms. Two oriel windows projecting on brackets on first floor and one bay window below. Hipped tiled roof. Two storeys. Four windows. Listing NGR: TR1356549951

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 1356 4995 (point)
Map sheet TR14NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 4:25PM