Listed Building: HOLMANS (1084566)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1351, 10, 431
Date assigned 09 June 1952
Date last amended


HAWKHURST SLIP MILL ROAD TQ 73 SE (east side) 10/431 Holmans 9.6.52 GV II House. C15, altered c.1600. Timber framed and clad with weather-boarding and tile hanging and red brick to return elevation; with plain tiled roof. Hall house in origin, extended and ceiled over C16. Two storeys on brick base with stacks to end left, and clustered to centre right, to the right of which the roof ridge steps down slightly. Five wooden casements of 4, 4, 2, 3 and 2-lights respec- tively on first floor, and three of 3, 4 and 3-lights on ground floor, with half- glazed door to centre right. Two storey rear wing, c.1600 and extended early C20. Interior: late crown post roof with straight unmoulded posts and ogee bracing with sous-laces made of reused moulded timbers not blackened and C16 in character; the rear wing with reused soot-blackened rafters, and the lower roof of the main range probably also with remains of earlier roof. The stack occupies a smoke-bay with soot-blackened lathe and plaster partitions. Frame of large scant- ling, with jowled posts, knee-braced tie beams, chamfered beams. Very large inglenook with double flue, and large fireplace in end left ground floor room with four centred arched head, deeply incised spandrels with crude head carvings. Named after the Holman family. Listing NGR: TQ7552131523

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7552 3152 (point)
Map sheet TQ73SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM