Listed Building: ATTWATERS AND WALL ATTACHED (1084632)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1351, 10, 287
Date assigned 22 June 1989
Date last amended


HAWKHURST ATTWATERS LANE TQ 73 SE (north side) 10/287 Attwaters and wall attached GV II House. C16, clad C18. Timber framed and fronted with red and blue chequered brick with tile hung return elevations and plain tiled roof. Lobby entry plan of 5 bays. Two storeys with plinth, discontinuous plat band and massive sloping buttress to right and roof with stacks to front right, projecting and offset to end left and to rear end left, and clustered and moulded to centre left. Five wooden and metal casements on first floor, and 4 on ground floor with segmental heads. Boarded door to centre left in rendered hipped porch with lancet side lights, the wall above projecting slightly. Two storey gabled wing to rear left. Projecting from left return is a length of brick wall, about 7 feet high, and about 20 yards in length, terminated by a capped pier, with segmental doorway to centre. Listing NGR: TQ7729333036

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7737 3307 (point)
Map sheet TQ73SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM