Listed Building: THE GRANGE (1084707)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1351, 5, 175
Date assigned 22 June 1989
Date last amended


GOUDHURST GRANGE LANE TQ 73 NW (east side) 5/175 The Grange II House. C16 or earlier, altered 1690 and late C19. Timber-framed and rendered with plain tiled roof. Main range of 5 framed bays with extensive wings to rear. Two storeys and attic on plinth, with moulded wooden eaves cornice to hipped roof with gablets and moulded stacks to centre left, rear right and rear end right. Three gabled dormers, the bargeboards moulded and bracketed. Five 2-light leaded casements on 1st floor with label hoods and bracketed cills, and 2 on ground floor with canted bays to end left and to end right. Central gabled porch with arched and hooded outer doorway and half-glazed door. Return elevations with bay and casements with labels and bracketed cills. Rear wing with moulded bressummer (originally jettied, now underbuilt) and moulded gabled roof. Illustrated in F Esam. The Manor and Farmhouses of Kent (c.1906) which shows extensive hipped rear wings and pierced parapeted (garden terrace to rear of house. Esam gives the date 1690 and notes exposed oak beams, oak staircase, carved ceiling joists, and large fireplace and panelling in entrance hall taken from Welbeck Askey (panelling is visible in the entrance hall). Although still inhabited, the property very dilapidated at time of survey. Listing NGR: TQ7254238408

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7254 3840 (point)
Map sheet TQ73NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM