Listed Building: CADMANS (1096314)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 10, 5, 13
Date assigned 26 July 1983
Date last amended


The following entry:- TQ 66 NE COBHAM THE STREET (south side) 5/13 Nos 31 to 41 (odd) GV II shall be amended to read: TQ 66 NE COBHAM THE STREET (south side) Nos 29 to 39 (odd): 5/13 Murrells, White Cottage, Cadmans, Dillywood Cottage, Old Post Office GV II Row of cottages, not uniform. Early C19 fronts to earlier timber-framed buildings. Nos 29-31 have red brick with grey headers to ground floor and weatherboarded first floor. Hipped tiled roof to one side, gabled range to rear. Two storeys and attics; 2 windows. Attic has gabled dormer with casement. First floor has 12-pane sashes. Ground floor to no 29 has 12-pane sash, no 31 has sliding casement. Paired central doorcase under continuous cornice with brackets. Doors have 6 flush panels. C15 timber wall and moulded C16 beam reported to interior. Nos 33-39 are red brick in Flemish bond with some grey headers, no 33 painted. Old tiled roof Brick chimneystacks. Two storeys; 5 windows. Mainly 16-pane windows, cambered to ground floor, but no 35 has C20 PVC window. Cambered doorcases and C20 doors. No 39 has C20 bow window. TQ 66 NE COBHAM THE STREET 5/13 (south side) GV Nos 31 to 41 (odd) II C19 exterior, but evidence of earlier timber buildings inside. No 31 has C15 timber party wall with No 33 and moulded C16 beam. No 39 weatherboarded on first floor remainder red brick. Tiled roofs. Seven sash windows one dormer. Two shopfronts, 2 entrance doors beneath flat hoods on brackets. Listing NGR: TQ6709768414

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6708 6841 (point)
Map sheet TQ66NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 5:18PM