Listed Building: OLD PRIEST'S HOUSE (1085209)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1350, 5, 259
Date assigned 17 March 1976
Date last amended


In the entry for TQ 72 NE SANDHURST BODIAM ROAD 1350-0/5/259 Old Priest's House (formerly listed as The 09/06/52 Old Priest Cottage Periwinkle Cottage 2 adjoining Cottages) GV II The address shall be amended to read TQ 72 NE SANDHURST BODIAM ROAD 1350-0/5/259 Old Priest's House (formerly listed as Little 09/06/52 Haddon) GV II SANDHURST TQ72NE BODIAM ROAD 1350-0/5/259 Old Priest's House 09/06/52 (Formerly Listed as: The Old Priest Cottage Periwinkle Cottage 2 adjoining Cottages) GV II House. C15 open hall-house turned into a lobby entrance house in late C16, refronted in early C19 when some of the timbers were replaced. Timber-framed building, 1st floor clad in weatherboarding with ground floor of red brick with some header bond. Steeply pitched tiled roof with gablets and five late C16 ribbed brick chimneystacks. 2 storeys; 4 windows. Metal casements, mainly C20, though rear elevation has blocked diamond mullioned windows. C20 doorcase opposite chimneystack with 8 panelled door. Interior has roll-moulded dais beam and spere truss. Inserted late C16 or early C17 ceiling and open fireplace with bread oven. 1st floor has jowled posts, curved tension braces and chamfered spine beam with lamb's tongue stop. Octagonal crown post with 4 head braces to collar beam. Smoke blackened roof. Listing NGR: TQ7885227773

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7885 2777 (point)
Map sheet TQ72NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM