Listed Building: BROADLAKE (1116329)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1351, 3, 37
Date assigned 22 June 1989
Date last amended


FRITTENDEN MILL LANE TQ 84 SW (west side) 3/37 Broadlake GV II House. C15 extended late C16 or early C17 and late C19. Timber framed and exposed with plaster infill and extended with red brick. Plain tiled roof. Two storeyed entrance front to C19 block, with 3 storeyed jettied late C16 cross-wing to right, with moulded bressummer on dragon posts and console brackets, and plain bressummer to jettied gable also on scrolls. C19 pierced bargeboard and ridge tiles. Stacks to rear left and clustered, and earlier to rear right. Wooden casement in gable, 3 wooden casements on 1st floor and brick bay to left, and intrusive C19 framed canted bay to right on ground floor, with central door of 6 panels in gabled porch. Margin light glazed doors to right return. Large panel framing to lower 2 storeyed framed wing to rear right with weather boarded outshot. Interior: cambered tie beam, possibly for crown post, in rear wing. Circa 1600 wing with fine quality chamfered beams and dragon beams, floorboards, high ceilings and inglenooks. C19 slat baluster stair. Listing NGR: TQ8043642290

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8043 4228 (point)
Map sheet TQ84SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM