Listed Building: BADSELL PARK FARMHOUSE (1254228)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1356, 6, 323
Date assigned 24 August 1990
Date last amended


TQ 64 SE PADDOCK WOOD CRITTENDEN ROAD 6/323 Badsell Park Farmhouse GV II Farmhouse. Late C19 remodelling and extension of a circa mid C17 house. The C17 core is framed, the ground floor underbuilt in brick, the first floor tile-hung. The C19 phase is also brick and tile-hung; peg-tile roofs; brick stacks. Plan: The house faces approximately north. L-plan. The main block is 2- rooms wide with a central entrance into a hall containing the stair. The right hand (west) end of the main block and the rear right wing, roofed on a north south axis, are the remains of a C17 house, probably originally a 3 room lobby entrance plan house, the north service end truncated and the northern room re-roofed at right angles during the late C19 remodelling which reduced the original parlour to a kitchen. The axial stack of the C17 house survives, as does some of the wall-framing, and a probably later rear (east) outshut. C20 single-storey kitchen, heated from an end stack, adjoins the rear wing at the south end. Exterior: 2 storeys. Asymmetrical 4-window front with gables to the front at left and right, the right hand gable a 1980s addition. Late C19 open gabled porch to left of centre with timber struts in the gable and a half-glazed late C19 front door. Canted bay window to the left with a hipped roof, glazed with 2-light late C19 or C20 casements, 2 panes per light. The other windows, 2 to the right of the porch and 4 on the first floor are similar 2- and 3-light casements. The rear right wing has a half-hipped roof at the south end and a catslide roof to the outshut. Stack with staggered triple shafts. Interior: The C17 core retains one original fireplace to the axial stack. This has a chamfered oak lintel and brick jambs, one jamb rebuilt and the lintel reduced in length. A plaque over the lintel is inscribed in capitals "The right honable the earle of Westmoreland TFK 1712". The farm was formerly part of the Westmorland estate. The fireplace retains a C19 chimney crook. C17 wall-framing survives on the first floor, the wall posts with formed jowls; original floorboards also survive. The C19 stair in the entrance hall has turned balusters. Roof: No access to the apex of the C17 roof at time of survey (1989). It is plastered over in the attic and is of a side purlin construction. Listing NGR: TQ6784344787

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6506 4337 (point)
Map sheet TQ64SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM