Listed Building: SHADWELL (1240935)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1356, 24, 8
Date assigned 20 October 1954
Date last amended


TQ 55 41 SPELDHURST LANGTON ROAD, SPELDHURST 12/531 (24/8) Shadwell 20.10.54 GV II Former farmhouse. Probably mid C17, modernised and enlarged in the mid C19, some C20 modernisation. Timber-framed. Ground floor underbuilt with Flemish bond red brick with burnt headers and original sandstone footings, show on the north end. Timber framing clad with tile. Original framing exposed on the north end and C19 framing to the porch. Brick stacks (original one maybe has a sandstone base) and brick chimneyshafts. Peg-tile roof. Plan: 3-room lobby entrance plan house facing west. Axial stack between the left (north) end room and centre room serves back-to-back fireplaces. Centre room was probably original kitchen with unheated service room at right (south) end. Partition has been removed and these two rooms united. Parlour at left end. C19 2-storey porch in front of lobby entrance. C19 rear blocks, one each end and both have stacks backing onto the main block. Right (south) one has another parlour whilst kitchen and services in left (north) rear block. 2 storeys with attics in the roofspace of the main block and C19 single storey service room projecting behind the C19 kitchen wing. Exterior: Regular but not symmetrical 1:1:2-window front, all, except the 4- light plain iron-framed casement to the room over the porch, are C19 iron- framed casements with patterned glazing bars. Single central dormer with C19 framed gable. C19 2-storey gabled porch left of centre. Brick at ground floor level, and attractively timber-framed above jettied out on the shaped ends of the joists. Front doorway contains a C20 panelled door in Tudor style. Main roof is gable-ended. On the right (south) side the C19 block built in the same style. Same attractive iron-framed casements including the double French windows. Kitchen rear block has plain timber casements, the oldest with glazing bars. The left (north) end of the main block is exposed framing; brick-nogged at ground floor level. The frame is basically C17 with some C19 timbers added for visual effect. Interior: Somewhat modernised in the C19 and C20 but the basic framed structure appears to be intact. In the left end room the fire place is lined with C20 tiles but its chamfered and scroll-stopped lintel is exposed. Chamfered axial beam here is presumably reused since it includes mortises along its soffit. The main room, the original hall or kitchen, axial beam is chamfered with canted step stops. Fireplace here behind large early C18-style chimneypiece which is presumably C19. Similar carpentry on the first floor and although most of the roof structure is hidden behind C19 and C20 plaster the end truss exposed externally and shows clasped side purlins with queen struts. Listing NGR: TQ5534641252

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 5534 4125 (point)
Map sheet TQ54SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM