Listed Building: WHITETHORN COTTAGES (1277614)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1356, 6, 44
Date assigned 24 August 1990
Date last amended


TQ 64 SE BRENCHLEY BRENCHLEY ROAD, HOMEBUSH 6/44 Nos 5 and 6 Whitethorn Cottages GV II Pair of houses, possibly originally one house. Circa late C17 or earlier. Ground floor Flemish bond brick, first floor rendered over framed construction, which is said to survive on the ground floor (information from the owner); peg-tile roof; brick stacks. Plan: Details of plan unclear on survey as interior not inspected (1989). The range faces approximately north, fronting the road. 4-rooms wide, the 2 centre rooms probably heated by back-to-back fireplaces in an axial stack, the left hand room heated by an end stack. No 6, to the left, double fronted, No 5 with a front door to the left, apparently into a lobby entrance against the axial stack. Exterior: 2 storeys. Roof gabled at left end, hipped at right end. Asymmetrical 2:1 window front. C19 or C20 plank front doors with shallow gabled porch hoods on brackets. No 6, to the left, has 2 first and 2 ground floor late Cl9 or C20 casements, 2 panes per light. First floor window left extends across a stud or wall post. No 5 has one first and one ground floor plate glass 2-light casements. Interior: Not inspected but No 6 has exposed carpentry (information from the owner) and an open fireplace with a replaced lintel. The range is said to be dated 1623 (information from the owner) and an internal and roof inspection might necessitate revising the dating suggested here. Listing NGR: TQ6631741994

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6631 4199 (point)
Map sheet TQ64SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM