Listed Building: BENENDEN PLAYGROUP (1336770)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1350, 3, 127
Date assigned 05 July 1993
Date last amended


BENENDEN TQ83SW THE STREET 1350-0/3/127 (North East side) Benenden Playgroup GV II Purpose built Working Man's Institute, now playgroup headquarters. Built 1881 for Lord Cranbrook in Kentish Vernacular style, probably by George Dewey. Ground floor red brick with some black brick diaperwork, 1st floor tile hung with some bands of decorative tiles. Modern tiled roof. Irregular fenestration with chinoisserie metal panes. South west elevation has projecting gable with 1st floor 3-light casement and ground floor 5-light canted bay. Brick porch in angle of T with 4 centred headed doorway with hood moulding and hipped projection with fixed light above. T-wing has one 3-light casement to 1st floor and verandah on 4 curved wooden supports to ground floor which has integral wooden seat with splat baluster back. North west elevation has right side projecting gable, tile hung above with 2-light metal-framed casement. Ground floor has modified Ipswich window. To the left is a projecting external brick chimneystack, 2-light metal casement and 3-light mullioned and transomed casement with cambered head over and round-headed door in section of ramped up walling. Further gables and outshuts to rear. Listing NGR: TQ8082332929

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8065 3304 (point)
Map sheet TQ83SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM