Listed Building: MARLBOROUGH HOUSE SCHOOL (1338729)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 1351, 16, 354
Date assigned 09 June 1952
Date last amended


HAWKHURST HIGH STREET TQ 7430-7530 (south side) 16/354 Marlborough House School 9.6.52 GV II* House. 1723 and extended 1879-80 by George Devey for Edward Hardcastle, and late C20. Red brick and plain tiled roof and extended with red brick, tile hanging and timber and plaster. C18 wing of 2 storeys and attic with plinth, plat band and coved rendered cornice to panelled parapet. Hipped roof with 4 pedimented dormers and stacks to left and to rear right. Seven glazing bar sashes on first floor, 6 on ground floor, the centre 3 bays projecting with pediment in parapet with central keyed roundel. Gauged heads to all window openings, the centre first floor head with wave-moulded bricks. Central door of 6 raised and fielded panels in pedimented doorcase with engaged Ionic columns. Left return disposed in same pattern, only with blank window spaces in central pedimented projection except the central first floor and canted bays to left and right, the central window heads of bays and centre wave moulded. Beyond to the rear left are late C20 2-storey brick extensions. Right return: simple elevation with cornice and parapet, C20 single storey linking piece to stable block, and gabled and irregular rear elevation of C19 wing, the gable with terracotta plaque with Achievement. C19 wing in style influenced by R Norman Shaw, of 2 storeys and attic, the block adjoining the old house Classical in style with 2-storey canted bay with French doors and 2 glazing bar sashes on each floor, and 2 pediment dormers in hipped projecting roof, with recessed vernacular-style wing, tile hung on first floor, with gabled dormer, paired glazing bar sashes on first floor either side of gabled semi-dormer with triple sashes. Glazing bar sashes and panelled door with rectangular fanlight on ground floor. Interior: dog-leg stair with turned balusters and wreathed and ramped handrail, ramped dado panelling with baluster newels; pointed staircase window. Stair hall and entrance hall with light rococo ceilings, the former with fine central rose, the latter with interlaced rope work and hunting vignettes and sunburst, and with lugged fireplace surround with cherub's head and corn-sheath keystone. C19 wing with large C17 style stone fireplace with columned and arcaded wooden overmantel. Extensive cellars below. (See BOE Kent, I, 1980, 317). Listing NGR: TQ7535030678

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7528 3067 (point)
Map sheet TQ73SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM