Listed Building: COWDEN (1248958)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1356, 6, 33
Date assigned 24 August 1990
Date last amended


TQ 64 SE BRENCHLEY 6/33 Cowden II Former farmhouse. Circa late C16 with a probably C18 addition. Framed construction; peg-tile roof; stacks with brick shafts. Plan: North facing. The original arrangement was a 2-cell lobby entrance main block with 2 principal rooms heated from back-to-back fireplaces in the axial stack with a short, unheated rear right (south west) wing. A rear outshut is secondary and extends across the end of the wing as well as the rear (south) of the main range. A one-room plan addition has been added at the right (west) end of the main block, heated from an end stack with a further C20 addition, slightly set back, at the extreme right end. The present stair rises from the centre room within the one-room plan addition. Exterior: 2 storeys. Asymmetrical 3-window front. The framing, which is intact and exposed to sole plate level, includes one tension brace and a section of presumably secondary close studding at first floor level. The right end addition also appears to be framed but has no middle rail and the studs may be false. Probably C20 gabled framed porch to the lobby entrance to left of centre; half-glazed C19 or C20 door at the right end. Various casement and sash windows of different dates including a 2-light raking dormer above the porch, 2 3-light iron casements on the first floor with quadrant catches and a 16-pane sash to ground floor left. Roof hipped at ends and carried down as a catslide over the rear outshut. Axial stack with staggered paired shafts. The outshut has a left (east) end stack. The rear wing is tile-hung with a half-hipped roof. Interior: The centre room has an exposed crossbeam and open fireplace with a chamfered lintel. The left hand room has a plain plastered ceiling and open fireplace with a chamfered lintel and blocked keeping place. The wall-framing is exposed on the first floor with jowled wall posts and large tension braces to the crossframes at each end of the chamber over the centre room. This is heated. The fireplace lintel is moulded and may be a section of re-sited dais beam from another building. A blocked mullioned first floor window on the rear wall is now enclosed by the rear outshut. Roof: Staggered butt purlin construction with straight braces from the centre of each collar to the principal rafters of each truss. Listing NGR: TQ6845040939

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6845 4093 (point)
Map sheet TQ64SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM