Listed Building: THE BAILIFFS HOUSE (1251196)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1356, 5, 202
Date assigned 24 August 1990
Date last amended


TQ 64 SW CAPEL ALDERS ROAD 5/202 The Bailiffs House II Cottage. C17 origins, altered and rearranged probably in the early/mid C19, Some circa 1970 modernisation. Timber-framed; ground floor level underbuilt with brick; red brick facing bond with some burnt headers on the front with C20 brick on the end walls, framing above first floor level clad with peg- tile; brick stack and chimneyshaft; peg-tile roof. Plan: House faces south set back from the lane. It has a 2-room lobby entrance plan; former kitchen to left and parlour to right. Central axial stack serves back-to-back fireplaces. Continuous outshots across the rear are now in domestic use and part used for present kitchen. Present layout is essentially the result of the early/mid C19 remodelling. However it does include C17 fabric particularly at the kitchen (southern) end where, before the C19, there was evidently an unheated room. 2 storeys with attics in the roofspace and lean-to outshots to rear. Exterior: Symmetrical 3-window front of C20 casements with glazing bars. Central front lobby entrance doorway contains a C19 plank door under a flat hood on shaped brackets. Tall roof is half-hipped both ends and contains 2 hipped roof dormers. Interior: C17 carpentry shows in the former kitchen. Here there is an axial chamfered and step-stopped beam set into a crossbeam close to the chimneybreast. Mortises in the soffit of the crossbeam show that this was originally part of a framed crosswall. In the former parlour there is another probably C17 crossbeam and it too is set a short distance from the chimneybreast. The axial beam and joists here however are C19. The fireplaces have been refurbished and many of the bricks have been turned round and reset. Both have chamfered oak lintels. At first floor level the frame is plastered over, so too is most of the roof structure in the attics although it is apparently 3 bays and is probably of clasped side purlin structure. Listing NGR: TQ6454043869

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6453 4386 (point)
Map sheet TQ64SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM