Listed Building: POSTERN PARK FARMHOUSE (1261901)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1356, 1, 273
Date assigned 20 October 1954
Date last amended


TQ 64 NW CAPEL POSTERN LANE, TUDELEY 1/273 Postern Park Farmhouse 20.10.54 II Farmhouse. Mid/late C18, parts may be earlier, various late C18 and C19 extensions. Part brick, part timber-framed. Ground floor level is red brick, randomly bonded tending to English bond and with some decorative burnt headers on the end walls; framed first floor is tile-hung and some framing is exposed at ground floor level to rear; brick stacks and chimneyshafts; peg-tile roof. Plan: Double depth plan house facing south. The 3 front rooms are the main rooms with service rooms to rear. Central entrance hall with stair block to rear flanked by kitchen to left (west) and parlour to right (east). Both kitchen and parlour have rear lateral stacks. Parts of the rear section are additions, the left end part to rear of the kitchen certainly is. Although modernised with extensions in the C19 the original layout is preserved. House is 2 storeys with attics in the roofspace of the front block and a cellar under the centre. Exterior: Not quite symmetrical front. Central front doorway now contains a C20 doorway. C19 12-pane sashes adjacent each side and 2 more to right. To left a C20 horned 6-pane sash. Timber moulded cornice at first floor level and return round the end walls. 3 first floor 20-pane sashes. Plain eaves and roof is hipped both ends and contains 3 dormer windows, C19 casements with glazing bars and hipped roofs. Rear section is lower with gable-ended crossroofs. Rear has large central 12-pane sash to the stairs and each side are 20-pane sashes to the first floor rooms. Interior: Only the ground floor level was accessible at the time of this survey. Very little carpentry is exposed and none in the front rooms. Most of the joinery is C19 including an open string stick baluster stair with mahogany handrail. The window reveals have fielded panel shutters, which may be original and more original joinery probably survives upstairs. Roof was not inspected. Listing NGR: TQ6144946300

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6144 4630 (point)
Map sheet TQ64NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM