Listed Building: THE OLD BAKERY (1068794)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1608, 12, 218
Date assigned 19 May 1986
Date last amended


CRANBROOK SAINT DAVID'S BRIDGE TQ 7735 NE (south west side) 12/218 - The Old Bakery GV II House and cottage, formerly bakery to right C17. Timber-framed and clad with red brick on ground floor and weatherboarded on first floor to right, and weatherboarded to left. Plain tiled half-hipped roofs. Large low brick stack behind ridge to right. 3 hipped dormers to right. BLOCK TO LEFT: 2 storeys and garret. 1 window front with wooden casements on first floor and large shop front with glazing bars below. Glazed door to left with flat hood over. BLOCK TO RIGHT: 2 storeys and attics. Irregular fenestration of 3 windows on first floor and 5 windows on ground floor with C20 shop windows to left and to right of centre flanking two windows and panelled doors to right of them. 2 right hand first floor windows and single right hand ground floor window glazing bar sashes, the rest casements. Half-glazed door. Listing NGR: TQ7779235964

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7779 3596 (point)
Map sheet TQ73NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM