Listed Building: VICTORIA HOUSE (1101502)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1355, 8, 240
Date assigned 20 October 1954
Date last amended


LAMBERHURST THE BROADWAY TQ 6636-6736 (west side) 8/240 Victoria House (formerly listed as Victoria House, and 20.10.54 Premises on the S.W. of Victoria House) GV II House, now house and shops. C16, extended C17 and altered and clad 1721. Timber framed and clad with painted brick and painted ornamental tile hanging, with plain hung tiles to right return and exposed small panel frame with painted brick infill to rear wing with tile hung first floor. Plain tiled roofs. Lobby entry plan main block extended to left and to rear. Main range of 2 storeys on plinth with quoins and parapet to roof gabled to right and with stack to centre left. Four segmentally headed openings on first floor, with two 3 light wooden casements, and 2 light casement to right and blank space to centre left containing a small finialed aedicule inscribed: I.F. 1721 Ground floor with 2 segmentally headed casements, 3 light to centre right brought down to plinth and now a shop window, and 2 light to right with flying cornice over (similar cornice over central window obscured by shop sign). Half glazed door to centre left with large flat hood on brackets and pilasters. Left hand of ground floor taken up by late C19 shop front with plate bays and central glazed door under single fascia on pilasters with pedimented pilaster brackets. Similar and larger shop front (to same shop) extends over left hand extension, canted slightly toroadside and of 2 storeys and attic with half hipped roof and hipped dormer and 3 light casement on first floor. Gabled rear wing of 2 storeys with end stack and with some exposed framing. Interior: the ground floor room to right of the main entrance, now a butchers shop, was clearly a principal room of the old house, with finely and extensively moulded cross beamed ceiling and bresummer, large blocked fireplace and clear evidence of jetty to front elevation.Left hand wing also with moulded ceiling beams. Listing NGR: TQ6756136160

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6756 3615 (point)
Map sheet TQ63NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM