Listed Building: ROWLEY PLAIN (1249522)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1356, 10, 66
Date assigned 24 August 1990
Date last amended


TQ 63 NE BRENCHLEY CUCKOO LANE 10/66 Rowley Plain II Small farmhouse. Late C17 or earlier. Framed construction, the ground floor underbuilt in brick at different dates (Flemish bond on the front elevation, English bond on the left return) and tile-hung on the first floor; peg-tile roof; stack with brick shaft. Plan: The house faces west. It is a 2-cell plan with a larger hall/kitchen to the right (south) heated from the axial stack with an outshut and a smaller service room to the left (north). The stair rises within the hall against the rear wall of the service room. There is said formerly to have been a third room at the north end (information from owner). The present entrance is on the south return. Exterior: 2 storeys and attic. Roof gabled at the left end and half-hipped at the right end; axial stack with a truncated shaft. Asymmetrical one-window west front, blind to left of centre with one ground and one first floor 3- light timber 1980s casements. The left return has 3 windows, one to each floor, the ground floor window a small-pane Cl9 casement. C19 front door on right return with a C20 conservatory/porch. Interior: Principal room only inspected. This is very unspoiled with a chamfered axial beam, open fireplace with a timber lintel, old wall and ceiling plaster and a brick floor. C19 door to the stair with strap hinges. Roof: Not inspected. Timbers said to be concealed but thought to be of an early date. Listing NGR: TQ6717339231

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 6717 3923 (point)
Map sheet TQ63NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM