Listed Building: TWYSDEN (1338714)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1351, 5, 263
Date assigned 20 June 1967
Date last amended


GOUDHURST RISEDEN LANE TQ 73 NW (west side) ) 5/263 Twysden 20.6.67 GV II House. C16, extended C18 to C20. Timber framed and exposed close-studding with plaster infill, and extended with red brick and tile hanging. Plain tiled roof. The original range is a 4 bay continuous-jettied house on brick plinth with jetty on brackets, returned to right and with moulded bressummer. Half- hipped roof with stack to left and projecting at end right. Four leaded wooden C20 casements on 1st floor, and 2 on ground floor, with blocked mullioned window to centre. Plank and muntin studded door to right. Projecting C18 to C20 wing to left, of 2 storeys and garret, with half-hipped roof, and hipped projection to right. Irregular fenestration of wooden casements, with boarded door in re- entrant angle. Return and rear (garden) elevations part painted and rendered. The house appears to be named after a member of the locally important Twysden family, rather than their original seat (see Twyssenden, item / , and Sir J R Twisden and C H D Ward, the Family of Twysden ..... 1939). Listing NGR: TQ7016635906

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7016 3590 (point)
Map sheet TQ73NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2006 5:21PM