Listed Building: SHERBORNE HOUSE (1070740)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 1155, 22, 39
Date assigned 17 September 1952
Date last amended


TQ 9549 CHARING HIGH STREET (west side) No 27 and No 29 (Sherborne House) 22/39 (formerly listed as Sherborne and Shop premises adjoining Sherborne) GV 17.9.52 II and the entry shall be amended to read:- TQ 9549 CHARING HIGH STREET (west side) Nos 27 and 29 Sherborne House GV 17.9.52 II* House and shops. Mid C16 purpose built shop with accommodation refenestrated in early C19. Timber framed with continuous jetty to High street, close-studded with plaster infill on plinth. End walls and ground floor of rear elevation red brick. Tiled roof, gabled to right, hipped to left with off central brick chimneystack. 2 storeys, 5 windows. 1st floor windows are C19 mainly triple casements with leaded lights, but 4 original blocked window openings survive. Ground floor has 2 early C19 5-light canted bays on the ground floor and to the left late C18 or early C19 3-light canted bay shop window with original sliding sash, projecting on wooden piers with wide tile hung canopy over. To the south of this are 2 wide unglazed windows with 4 centred heads with sunken spandrels and have rebates and hooks remaining for hanging heavy shutters, original C16 shopfronts. The tops have wooden trellised grilles. To south is half glazed door with 2 panels to base and to north 6-panelled door. North end has been truncated and covered in Jacobean brickwork with 4-light blocked mullioned window to 1st floor. South end has late C18 brickwork. Rear elevation has exposed framing to 1st floor, including curved brace. C18 l-storey brick addition with 2 hips to roof. Interior has moulded spine beam to south ground floor room, fireplaces and exposed frame with crown post roof. [See RCHM report file no 40516] 1. 5272 CHARING HIGH STREET (west side) No 27 and No 29 (Sherborne House) (formerly listed as Sherborne and Shop premises adjoining Sherborne) TQ 9549 22/39 17.9.52 II GV 2. C15 timber-framed and close-studded building with plaster infilling on a stuccoed base. The first floor oversailing on the protruding ends of the floor joists and brackets. Tiled roof, hipped at the south end. Four casement windows with small square leaded panes. Two 3-light canted bays on the ground floor and C18 shop window projecting on struts, with a wide tile-hung canopy over and a trellised grille to the south of this. Some original window openings remain. On the left-hand side is a triple arched opening with spandrels. Right side elevation has blocked mullion windows. The interior has chamfered beams. Listing NGR: TQ9526849388

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 9526 4938 (point)
Map sheet TQ94NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 9:59AM