Listed Building: 63 HIGH STREET (1071087)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 750, 1, 11
Date assigned 24 September 1951
Date last amended


1. 5344 HIGH STREET (South Side) No 63 TR 0142 NW 1/11 24.9.51. II GV 2. A C16 timber-framed house with plastered front. 2 storeys and gable with moulded bressumer and bargeboards. Tiled roof. Surface of gable rough plaster. The 1st floor is jettied on brackets and has a moulded bressumer with cove beneath it. 4-light modern casement window on lst floor. On the ground floor there is an C18 or early C19 curved shop window with glazing bars intact. Interior has exposed beam. The rear elevation to the Churchyard is tile hung and has a half-hipped gable. Nos 51 to 61 (odd). 61A, 63 to 67 (odd). 67A, 69 to 71 (odd). 75 and the rear part of 75 form a group with all items in The Churchyard. Listing NGR: TR0101342778

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 0101 4277 (point)
Map sheet TR04SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 9:59AM