Listed Building: THE HALL (1232797)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 1414, 4, 38
Date assigned 13 October 1952
Date last amended


TR 04 SE BRABOURNE WEEKES LANE (east side) 4/38 The Hall (formerly listed 13.10. 52 as The Limes) GV II* House. C17 or earlier, rebuilt early C18. Timber framed and clad with red and blue brick with red brick dressings. Plain tiled roof. Two storeys, attic and basement on plinth of red brick and ragstone. Paired modillion eaves cornice to hipped roof with 2 gabled dormers (and to right return) and 2 stacks to end left. Regular fenestration of 5 glazing bar sashes on first floor and 4 on ground floor, with 4 to basement in segmentally headed surrounds. Central door of 6 raised and fielded panels, the top 2 glazed, with keyed semi-circular fanlight. Doorcase with engaged Tuscan columns, triglyph frieze and open pediment, a late C20 restoration. The cladding of the rear wings, although in similar style and materials, is of a different date. Two rear wings with enclosed court between (with same C17 brickwork, casement window and trap-door reported). Interior: interior of roof area reported arranged in cubicles, either for smuggled goods, or because the house was used as a convalescent. home for London plaque victims (! Igglesden 10, 1913). Heavily timbered and ornamented interior reported. Fine early C18 dog leg and half-landing stair with barley-sugar turned balusters on open string, moulded rail and dado panelling. (See Igglesden, 10, 1913, p.22). Listing NGR: TR0884042546

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 0883 4254 (point)
Map sheet TR04SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 9:59AM