Listed Building: POTKILN FARMHOUSE (1362889)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 945, 4, 215
Date assigned 16 August 1962
Date last amended


In the entry for: HIGH HALDEN FURTHER QUARTER TQ 83 NE 4/215 Potkiln Farmbouse 16.8.62 II The grade shall be upgraded to II* and the description shall be amended to read: Farmhouse, Circa 1600 with C18 and C20 alterations. Timber framed with close- studding plaster infill and some brick pitching. Plain tile hipped roof. Large brick axial stack with 4 flues and cornice and later small brick axial stack with 4 flues and cornice and later small brick external stack at north-west and with tiled set-offs. 3-room and cross-passage plan (passage probably later insertion), the hall and parlour heated from back-to-back fireplaces in an axial stack in a chimney bay, the short service end (left) originally divided axially into 2 small service rooms. Originally 2 storeys with attic and possibly originally with stair tower at rear of cross-passage providing access to first floor and attic. Stairs moved later to chimney bay beside stack and in C20 second stair inserted into passage and an axial passage created at rear of hall. 2 storeys and attic. Asymmetrical 9-window south-west front with exposed close- studding, storey posts and mid rail. C20 casements some in small original mullioned openings and doorway to left with C20 plank door. Brick patch to right and small C20 bay to right of that. Left (NW) end is rebuilt in brick on ground floor under jettied close-studded first floor, with C18 leaded pane casement. Similar casement and small 2-light windows on SE end. Similar small 2-light windows on first floor at rear and large 5-light mullion-transom window on ground floor with later outshut on left and C20 porch on right. Interior: Hall has stopped chamfered intersecting beams, chamfered joists and later partitions at rear and to left forming cross-passage, and large brick fireplace with cambered timber lintel. Similar but smaller fireplace in parlour which has chamfered axial beam and joists. Two service doorways (one blocked) into small service end. Staircase beside stack in chimney bay with octagonal newel with ogee-shaped finial. Chambers have chamfered beams and exposed joists, hall and parlour chambers have fireplaces with cambered chamfered timber lintels. Many Cl7 plank doors survive. Fine 5-bay roof structure complete over hall and service end, bay 4 is chimney bay and bay 5 rebuilt in C17 or C18. Side purlins clasped by diminished principals, large jowled queen struts and collars; intermediate collars birdmouthed to purlins; curved wind-braces in bays 2 and 3 in one direction only and large common rafters without ridgepieces. The attic has old floorboards. Note: The name Potkiln refers to the house's association with the pottery industry in High Halden in the C18. HIGH HALDEN FURTHER QUARTER 1. 5272 Potkiln Farmhouse TQ 83 NE 4/215 16.8.62. II 2. The name refers to the house's association with the pottery industry in High Halden in the C18. A Cl5 timber-framed building with close-studding and plaster infilling exposed on the east front, the west front now hung with plain and fishscale tiles in alternate rows, the north front refaced with red brick on the ground floor and tile hung above, its first floor oversailing. Hipped tiled roof. Two storeys. Three casement windows. The redo elevation retains an original window opening. Listing NGR: TQ8982439325

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8982 3932 (point)
Map sheet TQ83NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 9:59AM