Listed Building: WATERSLAND (1277051)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 633, 4, 10001
Date assigned 27 October 1993
Date last amended


The following building shall be added to the list:- TQ 83 NE TENTERDEN GRANGE ROAD, St Michaels (north side) 4/10001 Watersland - II House. C16 or earlier building of two bays refronted and extended by one bay to the south in C18 and refenestrated in C20. Timber-framed, clad in red brick in stretcher bond to ground floor on the southern two bays, tile hung above with weatherboarded half-hipped gable. Northernmost bay red brick in Flemish bond, weatherboarded above. Tiled roof with central brick chimneystack. Two storeys and attics; irregular fenestration. C20 casements to south and C20 plank door in C20 porch. East front has 1;2 C19 casements and C18 doorcase. Outshot to west has 2 altered casements. Interior ground floor north room has open fireplace with bressumer with run out stop. 3-plank door. South room, C18 parlour, has smaller bressumer and exposed beams probably of C18 date. C18 winder staircase. First floor has exposed frame with jowled posts and curved tension brace. Axial beams and old floorboards. 3-panelled door with old hinges. South part of roof C18. North part not accessible at time of survey. Listing NGR: TQ8754135093

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8754 3509 (point)
Map sheet TQ83NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Feb 28 2011 4:21PM