Listed Building: ROMDEN CASTLE (1071387)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1155, 29, 42
Date assigned 17 September 1952
Date last amended


1. 5272 SMARDEN ROMDEN ROAD Romden Castle TQ 8942 29/42 17.9.52 II 2. This double L-shaped house is of various periods. The walls of the cellars are probably C13-C14. The tower was built by the Guldeford family in the C16. In 1586 the building was purchased by the James family, who made additions to it during the C17. Some of this work survives internally but it has been refaced and enlarged in the C18. From the James family the house passed by marriage to the Otway family who retained it until 1786. The main portion of the exterior dates from their occupation, but the building was once larger, part being demolished in 1866. Red brick. Tiled roof. Glazing bars intact. The north-west front is L-shaped. Two storeys and attics. Seven windows, 3 dormers. The first floor of the north-east half of the front is tile-hung. The south-west half of the front has a parapet and a curved bay of 3 windows on the ground and first floor. The south-east front is also L-shaped. Seven windows. The south-west part also has a parapet and curved bay of 3 windows on ground and first floors. At the south-east corner of the south-east half is a square tower of 4 storeys, with a 2 storeyed projection to the south-east of this, having a doorcase with pilasters and curved pediment and a round-headed window on the first floor above. Listing NGR: TQ8966342104

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8966 4210 (point)
Map sheet TQ84SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 9:59AM