Listed Building: THE FLEUR DE LYS HOTEL (1069705)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 752, 1, 62
Date assigned 23 April 1976
Date last amended


1. 5275 DELF STREET (North-East Side) Nos 6 to 10 (even) (The Fleur de Lys Hotel) TR 3358 1/62 TR 3258 1/62 II GV 2. Late C18 or early C19. Built in 3 sections; east wing 2 storeys with tiled roof, 3 windows. Centre, 3 storeys and one window, red brick, stringcourse above ground floor. Modillion eaves cornice. Glazing bars intact on 1st floor. One round headed doorway ad one with pilasters and projecting cornice. West wing of Mid C19 yellow brick in Regency style. 2 storeys with slated roof. 4 windows 1st floor with flat rubbed brick arches. All glazing bars complete. Projecting stringcourse . One similar window as above. One smaller window in 4 squares on ground floor. Pair of glazed doors to Hotel with square light over and modern shop front in the western most side front but with Regency type window and glazed door. Projecting brick cornice on modillion brick headers to Nos 6 and 8 with cast iron gutter and lead rainwater pipe. Projecting plain brick cornice with ditto gutter to No 10. Nos 4 to 10 (even) with Nos 1 to 9 (odd) Market Street form a group. Listing NGR: TR3299958186

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 3300 5818 (point)
Map sheet TR35NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 11:07AM