Listed Building: NILE COTTAGE (1259673)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 686-1, 7, 26
Date assigned 12 November 1981
Date last amended


GILLINGHAM TQ76NE MILL ROAD, Brompton 686-1/7/26 (East side) 12/11/81 Nos.78, 79 AND 80 Nile Cottage GV II Terrace of three houses. C18, remodelled early C19. Rendered and painted brick with brick axial stacks set below the ridge and hipped slate roof. PLAN: double-depth. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys; 2:2:1-window range. Irregular range with 2 roofs, No.80 has a right-hand doorway with architrave and 6-panel door, the top pair glazed, No.79 has a left-of-centre half-glazed door with bracketed canopy, No.78 a right-hand door with bracketed canopy and panelled door. 6/6-pane sashes in exposed frames, the middle ones slightly staggered. No.80 has a panel inscribed Nile Cottage 1722. INTERIOR: No.80 has an entrance stair hall with a flight of stairs with turned balusters, panelled doors and early C19 cast-iron fireplaces. HISTORY: reported to have been remodelled early C19 by Admiral Austen (1774-1865). Listing NGR: TQ7706869114

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7706 6910 (point)
Map sheet TQ76NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 5:35PM