Listed Building: THE COWLS AND THE OAST AND THE PRESS (1259681)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 686-1, 8, 116
Date assigned 21 December 1973
Date last amended


GILLINGHAM TQ86NW MOOR STREET, Rainham 686-1/8/116 (North side) 21/12/73 The Oast, The Cowls and The Press (Formerly Listed as: MOOR STREET, Rainham (North East side) Oasthouse to south-east of Moor Street House) GV II Oasthouses, now 3 houses. Mid C19, converted c1985. Brick with weatherboarded rear first floor, hipped slate roof and tiled oasts. PLAN: L-shaped, with round oasts to E and SE, and square plan oast to W end, and rear E press range. EXTERIOR: large square oast has battered buttresses flanking central openings to each side with C20 glazing. Rear range has overhanging, weatherboarded first floor with left-hand doorway. Inserted late C20 casements, timber cowls, the square oast has a wide W entrance with flanking buttresses. INTERIOR: not inspected but reported to have been extensively altered in conversion. Although converted, this is an externally complete and historically important reminder of the town's agrarian past. Listing NGR: TQ8280465600

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8310 6556 (point)
Map sheet TQ86NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 5:35PM