Listed Building: Nos 12A & 14 Mansion Row (West side) (formerly listed as Nos 9 - 12, 12A, 14 & 15) (1259687)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 686-1, 5, 14
Date assigned 24 February 1950
Date last amended


GILLINGHAM TQ7668NW MANSION ROW, Brompton 686-1/5/14 (West side) 24/02/50 Nos.12A AND 14 (Formerly Listed as: MANSION ROW, Brompton (West side) Nos.9-12, 12A, 14, 15 (Consecutive) Mansion House (No.15)) GV II Pair of semi-detached houses. Late C18-early C19. Flemish bond brick, axial stacks behind the ridge and tiled half-hipped mansard roof. STYLE: Late Georgian. PLAN: double-depth. EXTERIOR: each of 2 storeys basement and attic; 1-bay range. Parapeted front has a brick cornice band, flying steps to paired central doorways with plain surrounds, 3-pane overlights and 6-panel doors with reeded mouldings; 2-storey shallow canted bays have horned plate-glass sashes, with continuous timber fascias. 2 small raking dormers. Single basement windows have cambered heads, 6/6-pane sashes to No.12A, plate glass to No.14, and paired doorways beneath the steps. INTERIOR: not inspected. Listing NGR: TQ7626268836

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7626 6883 (point)
Map sheet TQ76NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 5:35PM