Listed Building: THE OLD HOUSE (1070276)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1409, 3, 141
Date assigned 11 October 1963
Date last amended


NONINGTON EASOLE STREET TR 25 SE (west side) 3/141 The Old House 11.10.63 GV II House. Late C17 extended and altered early C19. Red brick in irregular Header and Flemish bonds with slate roof. Lobby entry plan. Two storeys and garret with plinth and plat band and kneelered gable to left. Large stack to centre left and stack at end right. Four wooden casements on first floor and 4 doubled glazing bar sashes on ground floor with segmental heads except end right and with blocked opening at right. Door of 6 raised and fielded panels to centre left with pilasters supporting frieze and dentil cornice. C19 wing to rear with hipped roof, 2 glazing bar sashes on first floor and horizontally sliding sash and boarded door on ground floor. Listing NGR: TR2618052170

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 2617 5216 (point)
Map sheet TR25SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 11:07AM