Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 686-1, 8, 123
Date assigned 24 February 1950
Date last amended


GILLINGHAM TQ86NW LOWER TWYDALL LANE, Twydall 686-1/8/123 (South East side) 24/02/50 Manor House and attached garden wall (Formerly Listed as: TWYDALL LANE, Twydall (South East side) Twydall Farmhouse) GV II Farmhouse. Late C17-early C18, extended C18 and late C19. Brick, mathematical tile side range, with brick gable and lateral stacks, and tiled roof. PLAN: L-shaped single-depth plan with C18 N extension, and late C19 S extension. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys; road front 3-window range. Complex of various builds; Flemish bond road front has a moulded plat band, with a left-hand boarded door, and rubbed brick flat arches to 8/8-pane sashes in flush frames; the late C19 right-hand 1-window section has a lower end with paired gables with raised kneelers and central blind windows to both floors, extending half the depth of the end gable which has brick coping, a 6/6-pane attic sash with a flush frame, and a large exterior stack part enclosed by the extension. Rear wing has a straight joint in from the header bond rear gable, which has a stack, brick coping, the bond extending up to a straight joint, from which Flemish bond extends to the front range. At the N end is third section set forward from the main entrance, of C18 header bond with 2 ground-floor windows and a lateral stack, and a canted oriel in the left-hand return with 8/8-pane and flanking 4/4-pane sashes. The rear has a gabled dormer with 8/8-pane sash. INTERIOR: not inspected. SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: attached brick wall with coped top extending approx. 100m round garden to N. The N section has battered buttresses. HISTORY: formerly the farmhouse accompanying the other listed farm buildings, including the fine C15 Twydall Barn (qv), with which it has group value. Listing NGR: TQ8034167914

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8033 6791 (point)
Map sheet TQ86NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 5:35PM