Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1410, 4, 8
Date assigned 24 March 1988
Date last amended


In the entry for :- NORTHBOURNE BETTERSHANGER TR 35 SW 4/8 Home Farmhouse, Garden Cottage, Walled gardens and Stable range, Betteshanger The description shall be amended to read. Houses and Walled garden complex. Mid C19, probably by GeorgeDevey for Sir Walter James. The whole complexd built of brown brick, the houses with some diapered brickwork and plain tiled roofs. Two storeys. Coachman's house has two bays and central entrance. Plank door with Caernarvon arch. 4 light mullion and transom windows below, 3 light above. Paved diagonal stacks on rear wall, projecting 2 storey wing. Garden house 3 bays with central 2 storey porch into sloped gable. Small paved casements, half domes above. Gabled stacks. Rear elevation with 3 gabled domers, and flanking outchuts containing boarded doors and cross windows on ground floor, this is the present entrance front. Walled gardens in 2 great courts, about 100 metres by 25 metres each, the walls about 8 feet high of brown brick, with four centred arched openings, elaborate gateway with swan neck pediment towards house.The south-eastern stretch of wall forms part of the decorative approach around Betteshanger Church (St Mary) and has a range of pilaster-strip buttresses raised above the wall to form piers for an iron railing, with four-centred arched doorways, and large buttress supporting a large sundial dated 1895 inscribed in Latin and with astronomical signs. Partly ruined glass houses within the walled gardens. Smithy of 1 storey, slated roof, with mullioned windows, and large entrance porch with segmental head, ball finial side piers, and large horse-shoe shaped entry. The left end bay with parapet roof at higher level to main range, with corner pilasters raised above parapet level. NORTHBOURNE BETTESHANGER TR 35 SW 4/8 Home Farmhouse, Garden cottage, walled gardens and stable range, Betteshanger GV II Farm and garden complex. Mid C19, probably by George Devey for Sir Walter James. The whole complex built of brown brick, the houses with some diapered brickwork and plain tiled roofs. Two storeys with projecting shaped gabled 2 storey porch. Stacks to left and to right. Three window bays with cross windows. Rear elevation with 3 gabled dormers, and flanking outshots containing boarded doors, and cross windows on ground floor; this is the present entrance front. Garden cottage within the walled gardens to same designs. Walled gardens in 2 great courts, about 100 metres by 25 metres each, the walls about 8 feet high of brown brick, with four centred arched openings. The south-eastern stretch of wall forms part of the decorative approach around Betteshanger Church (St. Mary) and has a range of pilaster-strip buttresses raised above the wall to form piers for an iron railing, with four-centred arched doorways, and large buttress supporting a large sundial dated 1895 inscribed in Latin and with astronomical signs. Partly ruined glasshouses within the walled gardens. Stable range of lstorey, slated roof , with mullioned windows, and large entrance porch with segmental head, ball finial side piers, and large horse-shoe shaped entry. The left end bay with parapet roof at higher level to main range, with corner pilasters raised above parapet level. Listing NGR: TR3150652767

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 3124 5261 (point)
Map sheet TR35SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 11:07AM