Listed Building: NORTH COURT (1247714)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1410, 4, 107
Date assigned 24 March 1987
Date last amended


TILMANSTONE NORTH COURT LANE TR 35 SW (West side) 4/107 North Court GV II House. Early C17 and extended mid C20. Some evidence of original C16 timber frame, but now largely red brick in English Bond with plain tiled roof. Two storeys on plinth with plat band and moulded brick eaves cornice to roof with shaped gable and projecting and offset stack at end left and stacks to centre right and right, with roof hipped and stepped down to right. Two storey C20 canted bay to left, and 3 metal casements on first floor and 2 on ground floor with basket-arched heads and 1 to right with pentice in lower 2 storey extension. Door of 2 moulded panels in central porch with Dutch gable. Dutch gabled rear wing. Interior: the major feature is an elaborate plaster mantel and fireplace, with pointed arched recesses either side of segmental fireplace, the mantel decorated with intertwining tree trunks, the leaves wreathing the whole chimney piece, with reliefs of farmyard buildings and animals, and wagons. North Court as a separate manor was separated from South Court c.1564. Listing NGR: TR3016151922

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 3016 5192 (point)
Map sheet TR35SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 11:07AM