Listed Building: KENTLANDS AND THE LODGE (1263915)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1410, 2, 153
Date assigned 01 October 1985
Date last amended


WORTH KING'S AVENUE TR 35 NE (South side) 2/153 Sandwich Bay 1.10.85 Kentlands and The Lodge II House. Circa 1920. Built as Small Downs House. C.H. Biddulph-Pinchard, architect. Timber framed with plaster infill, with red brick end walls and extrusions. Plain tiled roof. U-shaped plan. Entrance in courtyard. Two storeys on brick plinth, with hipped wings projecting left and right, jettied with stacks in left re-entrant angle and at end right and circular stair well on end of left.wing. Large window to left, 2 storey bay to right and four-centred arched door to centre right. Mullioned windows on wings. Rear elevation with glazed ground floor loggia of 5 bays with moulded posts. Jetty on brackets and dragon posts, and metal casements, 4 bays in all. Interior: wainscotting and four centred arched stone fireplaces and originally with imported C17 Dutch glass in wondows. Interconnected with The Lodge built as service-or guest accommodation. Two storeys, the ground floor of brick with hipped roof with large gablets, with central stack, with brick apsidal end towards house; irregular fenestration. Long single storey corridor at east end connecting with projecting side wing of house, itself with a jettied gabled porch. Reconstructed from 2 C17 brick houses in Dover, and timbers taken from dismantled barns. Listing NGR: TR3631657689

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 3631 5768 (point)
Map sheet TR35NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 11:07AM