Listed Building: CANON COTTAGE AND THE OLD CANONRY (1281551)

Grade I
Volume/Map/Item 1891, 9, 340
Date assigned 13 October 1952
Date last amended


TR 2457 WINGHAM CANTERBURY ROAD (south side) 9/340 The Old Canonry 13.10.52 and Canon Cottage GV I House, sometime house pair. Circa 1285 and C15. Timber framed on flint under croft and exposed frame with plaster infill. Plain tiled roof. Two storeys to right. one storey and attic to left on flint base, with jetty on dragon post and brackets to right and returned to right side elevation. Pierced and enriched bargeboard to right-hand wing, and 2 hipped dormers to left with stacks to rear right. Three-light mullioned and transomed window on first floor, and 3 mullioned windows and 8-light mullioned and transomed shallow oriel to right on ground floor, with adjacent door of 7 glazed transomed lights with 3 base panels in four-centred arched surround, both C15 and only uncovered 1893 by removal of plaster. C20 boarded door at end left in arched doorway of 2 derns. Outshot at end left. Basement openings to centre. Right return with 2 wooden casements on each left. Basement openings to centre. Right return with 2 wooden casements on each fooor and rib and stud door in four-centred arched surround. Interior: the low left-hand wing appears to be an intact survival of the row of canons' houses for Wingham College, founded by Archbishop Peckham, 1282, and building from 1283 onwards. The undercroft, the jetty, and the sans-purlin roof are all of that date. The 2-storey range, although on a C13 undercroft is late C15, with contemporary panelling, and fine crown-post roof. The historical and architectural details for this and many other buildings in Wingham are to be found in A. Hussey, Chronicles of Wingham, 1896; E.W.Parkin, Arch. Can. XCIII, 1977; and an upublished thesis for Canterbury University by Dr. David Listing NGR: TR2424657400

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 2424 5740 (point)
Map sheet TR25NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 11:07AM