Listed Building: NO 52 INCLUDING THE OUTHOUSE TO NORTH (1343786)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 752, 2, 91
Date assigned 19 May 1950
Date last amended


1. 5275 NEW STREET (South West side) No 52 including the Outhouse to north TR 3357 NW 2/91 19.5.50. II* 2. Mid C18 building in yellow brick. 3 storeys. 3 windows on lst and 2nd floor with red brick dressings. Relieving arches and quoins. Plain tiled roof. Wooden eaves cornice with modillions. Glazing bars intact. Windows with cambered head linings, except on 2nd floor. One 3 light bay window on ground floor with cornice and dentilled course complete with glazing bars. Doorway in frame with pediment over supported on moulded consoles. Ornamental fanlight and 6 panel fielded door, top 2 panels glazed. To the north of and attached to the house is an outbuilding, possibly timber framed, with modern red brick facings and metal casement windows. Listing NGR: TR3309357989

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 3309 5798 (point)
Map sheet TR35NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 11:07AM