Listed Building: SPADE HOUSE (1061164)
Grade | II* |
Authority | |
Volume/Map/Item | 737, 7, 37 |
Date assigned | 11 March 1975 |
Date last amended |
1. 5281 RADNOR CLIFF CRESENT (West Side) SANDGATE Spade House TR 2035 SE 7/37 II* GV 2. Mid C19 with additions of 1903 Designed by C F A Voysey, architect, for H G Wells. 2 storeys. White roughcast walls, stone dressings. Mullioned Windows with leaded lights. Tiled roof. entrance front has doorway with Tudor arch. 2 storeyed canted bay of stone to left. To left mullioned windows to 1st floor. Sloping buttressat corners. 2 storeyed block at right angles added in l920's. Canted front of2 storeys. To the right the ground rises to lst floor garden porch flanked by hipped bay windows. To left mullioned windows on both floors. Canted bay window to left with balcony above. Sloping buttress. End gable tile hung. Tall roughcast chimneystacks. The interior contains arched doorcases and a staircase which incorporates 2 round-headed arches divided by a twisted column. It was at SpadeHouse that Wells wrote 'Mankind in the making', 'A Modern Utopia', 'In the Days of the Comet', 'The New Machiavelli', 'The War in the Air', 'Tono Bungay', 3ungay', 'Anticipations', 'The Food of the Gods', 'Ann Veronica', 'Kipps', 'The History of Mr Polly', 'New Worlds for Old', and 'First and Last Things'.
Spade House forms a group with Endcliffe House, St Paul's Vicarage and Vicarage Cottage. Sea Lady and East Cliff House. Vicarage Road.
Listing NGR: TR2093535326
External Links (0)
Sources (1)
- SKE16160 Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
Grid reference | TR 2093 3532 (point) |
Map sheet | TR23NW |
County | KENT |
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Record last edited
Feb 6 2024 9:24AM