Listed Building: CLIFFE COTTAGE (1203934)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 737, 7, 220
Date assigned 11 March 1975
Date last amended


The entry for: TR 2035 SE LOWER SANDGATE ROAD (South Side) SANDGATE 7/220 Cliffe Cottage Nos 1, 2 - II shall be amended to read: TR 2035 SE THE RIVIERA, (South Side) 7/220 No 6 Cliffe Cottage - 11.3.75 II Cottage. North part mid-C19, south part late C18 or early C19. North part weather boarded with hipped slate roof and brick chimneystack. 2 storeys; 2 windows. Casement windows. Central gabled projection with cambered blank and inscription "Cliffe Cottage". Late C18 or early C19 doorcase with pediment and panelled risers. South part also weather boarded with hipped tiled roof and brick chimneystack. Two storeys; 2 windows. Right side 12-pane sash and left side 2 storey mid-C19 5-light canted bay. Doorcase with trellis-work porch. 1. 5281 LOWER SANDGATE ROAD (South Side) SANDGATE Cliffe Cottage Nos 1 and 2 TR 2035 SE 7/220 II 2. The front part of No 1 is mid C19. 2 storeys weatherboarded. Hipped slate roof. 2 casements. the ground floor has an C18 to early C19 doorcase with pediment and panelled risers. No 2 behind is an C18 portion of 2 storeys weatherboarded with a steeply pitched old tiled roof half-hipped at one end. bash and 1 bay through all floors. Doorcase with tent-shaped canopy. The above item shall be amended to read 1. 5281 LOWER SANDGATE ROAD (South Side) SANDGATE Cliffe Cottage TR 2035 SE 7/220 Nos 1, 2 and 3 II 2. The front part of No 1,is probably C18. 2 storeys weatherboarded. Hipped slate roof. 2 casements. The ground floor has an C18 to early C19 doorcase with pediment and panelled risers. Nos 2 and 3 behind are C18 of 3 storeys weatherboarded with a steeply pitched old tiled roof half-hipped at one end. 1 sash and 1 bay through all floors. Doorcase with tent-shaped canopy. LONER baMXW5l? RIYID 52111 (South Side) dANDM5E Cliffe Cotta+yc Nos 1 and 2 TR 2035 SE 7/220 II 2. The front part, No I, is mid Cl9. 2 storeys weatherboarded. Hipped slate roof. 2 casements. The ground floor has an c18 to early Cl9 doorcase with pediment and panelled risers. No 2 behind is an Cl8 portion of 2 storeys weatherboarded with a steeply pitched old tiled roof half-hipped at one end. 1 sash and 1 bay through all floors. Doorcase with tent-shaped canopy. Listing NGR: TR2093735234

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 2093 3523 (point)
Map sheet TR23NW
County KENT

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Feb 6 2024 8:58AM