Listed Building: DANE FARM (1242016)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1418, 7, 130
Date assigned 29 December 1966
Date last amended


TR 23 NW HAWKINGE COWGATE LANE (east side) 7/130 Dane Farm (formerly 29.12.66 listed as Dane Farm House) II Farmhouse. C16, restored in late C20. Formerly timber framed. Ground floor roughly coursed galleted sandstone. First floor has C20 timber framing and brick infilling in stretcher bond. First floor of right gable end weather- boarded. Plain tile roof. 3 timber-framed bays, with evidence for a single - or probably two-bay open hall with storeyed end bays to left and (non-extant) to right. 2 storeys. Stone plinth with brick top course. Broadly-spaced studding with tension brace to each end. Hipped roof with gablets. Brick ridge stack towards right end (to left end of right hall bay). Irregular fenestration of 3 horizontally-sliding sashes; one two-light towards each end, and one three-light towards centre. Three similar ground-floor windows. Half-glazed door in small gabled timber-framed porch under stack. Short two-storey rear wing to right, red and grey brick in Flemish bond with hipped plain tile roof. Two storey rear wing to left, replacing lean-to. Interior: moulded right end-of-hall beam to right end of central bay, probably moved there from a position further to right after C17.). Plain left end-of-hall beam morticed for central pair of doorheads, and with tension-braced first floor partition above. Broad axial joists to left end room. Cambered beam to right end of central bay. Axial beam to central bay. Stack has brick fireplace with bressumer to left, and stone face to right. Listing NGR: TR2029638587

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 2029 3858 (point)
Map sheet TR23NW
County KENT

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Feb 6 2024 9:02AM