Listed Building: UPDOWN COTTAGE AND WELL COTTAGE (1261559)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1418, 8, 63
Date assigned 17 October 1988
Date last amended


TR 1644-1744 ELHAM THE ROW (west side) 8/63 Well Cottage and Updown Cottage GV II House, now house pair. Early-to-mid C16, with mid C17 alterations and C18 or early C19 facade. Timber-framed. Left end of front elevation painted brick with first-floor stud or post towards centre. Rest of facade red and grey brick in Flemish bond to ground floor, tile-hung above, both floors painted to left of stack. Right gable end chequered red and grey brick, returned for short distance along right end of front elevation. Plain tile roof. Open hall of one, or possibly two timber-framed bays, with storeyed end bay to left. (Area to right of centre not inspected). 2 storeys. Painted plinth to left of door. Underbuilt jetty to front of left end bay. Hipped roof. Red and grey brick ridge stack to right of centre. Irregular fenestration of 3 casements; one three-light towards left end, one two-light to left of centre, and one two-light to right of stack. Boarded door with segmental head and flat bracketed hood to left of stack, to Well Cottage. Brick lean-to towards rear of right gable end, with boarded door to Updown Cottage. Weatherboarded lean-to with boarded door, to left gable end. Short two-storey rear wing to right, set back from gable end, with tile-hung first floor, lower ridge, and plain tile roof hipped to rear. Interior: only partly inspected. Axial beam and broad close-set joists to left end room, with evidence for jetty to front. Plain left end-of-hall beam morticed for partition. C17 inserted floor to (left) hall bay, with chamfered axial beam, bevelled joists, and no evidence for jetty. Brick fireplace with wooden bressumer. Winder staircase behind stack. Later clasped-purlin roof of small-scantling timber. Listing NGR: TR1760444011

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 1760 4400 (point)
Map sheet TR14SE
County KENT

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Feb 6 2024 9:05AM