Listed Building: 168 HIGH STREET (1336136)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 1357, 10, 85
Date assigned 24 October 1950
Date last amended


ROCHESTER HIGH STREET TQ 7468 SE (EASTGATE) 10/85 No 168 24.10.50 GV II* House now shop. Early C19 facade to mid C18 rebuilding, with mid C17 rear refaced c.1700. C18 wings beyond. Flemish bond gault brick facade, Kent-tile roof. 3 storey, 3 bay facade. Ground floor with tripartite late C20 Edwardian style shop front and classical door surround to left. 3 first and 3 second floor 12 pane sashes in reveals with glazing bars under flat rubbed brick arches. First floor has 3 semi-circular framing rubbed brick arches with impost band; coped parapet with cornice band. Stack at west. C.1700 rear elevation has Flemish bond red brick 3- storey wing with parapet, sashes with glazing bars and 2 c.1900 casement cross windows. Further C18 gabled wing and lower C18 wing. C20 first floor addition beyond an earlier ground floor. Interior: front build has first floor panelled room of early C18, 2 field panelling, box cornice. Shuttered window enbrasures. Lugged marble fireplace, early C19 grate, plaster bar-relief Aeneas bearing Anchises from burning Troy. Second floor room in front build has early C19 grate, possibly ex situ early C17 mantel of 3 panels with lozenges etc. Behind front build is early C17 dogleg staircase with carved string, 3 urn and stem balusters per tread, swept handrail, panelling to dado level only, Tuscan column newels. Stairs have box cornices to ground and first floor landsing only. rear chamber 1st floor has early to mid C17 style and muntin panelling, dentil cornice, overmantel with pilasters. Rear chamber second floor similar, without overmantle. Second rear chamber at 1st floor has early C18 service stair with urn and stem balusters, square newels. Position of canted tie beams with 4-centred chamfere mouldings suggests incorporation of an earlier hall in this build. Listing NGR: TQ7450668259

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 7450 6825 (point)
Map sheet TQ76NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 5:35PM