Listed Building: POSTLING COURT (1344197)

Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 1605, 3, 60
Date assigned 07 August 1984
Date last amended


TR 13 NW POSTLING THE STREET (West side) 3/60 Postling Court 7.8.84 GV II House, now sub-divided. Mid C17 with late C19 additions and alterations. Timber-framed. Ground floor clad and underbuilt with red and grey brick in Flemish bond. Exposed framing to first floor with rendered infilling. Plain tile roof. Main range, with short integral cross-wing to right, formerly projecting forwards slightly,end extended in late C19. 2 storeys and attics. Continuous jetty to main range, now underbuilt. Dropped tie- beam. First-floor framing unevenly divided into 2 panels per storey. Short curved tension braces. Hipped roof. 2 rear stacks. Projecting C17 brick stack in English bond to right gable end, with two diagonally-set flues on moulded plinth. Late C19 gabled dormers. Irregular fenestration of 3 leaded windows; one 2-light casement with top-lights, one single-light casement and one late C19 two-storey rectangular bay window with 4 casements and side lights to each floor. Late C19 panelled door under timber-framed porch to left end. Right wing extended forwards in late C19 with brick ground-floor, tile-hung above; hipped plain-tile roof and various canted leaded lights. Short single-storey addition to left leading to late C19 range at right-angles. Interior: exposed framing. Fragment of moulded fillet half-way up former front elevation of C17 right wing. Aligned butt purlin roof with queen struts to rafters and arch-braced interrupted tie-beams. Similar truss to C17 wing, but-with clasped purlins. Listing NGR: TR1451339033

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 1456 3901 (point)
Map sheet TR13NW
County KENT

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Feb 6 2024 9:10AM